Random Thursday for July 23, 2015

This week Random Thursday is on a Friday.

This is a good one for The Jabbok Ford:  “I read others’ sermons to remember that I am not the first person to wrestle with these texts; other preachers do too, and their scars are beautiful.” From Anna Carter Florence, in “7 Essential Books for Preaching”, Christian Century, 10/20/2009, page 45 (italics mine)


“Ramones’ songs are like circles. The very first person to ever draw one was a genius.  Everyone who has done so since is in kindergarten.”  From Willa Paskin in “Sex & Drugs & Middle-Aged White Guys”, Slate Magazine

Starbucks should charge some people rent.  I’m looking for a table for some social time with a friend and they’re taken up by business meetings.

I knew Trump would self-destruct sooner or later, but over POWs?  Really?  Here’s a great letter to the Dallas Morning News asking other billionaires to take Trump to task.  Here’s an op-ed piece explaining that Trump either isn’t a billionaire or that you may be one and not know it.

Can we get people to stand guard at movie theaters and AME churches?

(Image is “RAMONES – Manchester Apollo – 1980” by Harry (Howard) Potts on Flickr.  CC BY 2.0.  I wasn’t at the concert.)

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