Random Thursday for Oct 8, 2020

[Image is “The Jack Russell Terrier” by Vidar Hoel on Flickr [CC BY-SA-2.0] The dog is cute, but it isn’t Wishbone]

Unrelated comments, in no particular order

Remember Wishbone? My children loved that show and learned about the great books. My wife met the dog that played Wishbone at DFW Airport. This year is Wishbone’s 25th anniversary. Check out this article.

Are the kids who want to stay away from Zoom also staying away from TikTok and Face Time?

A follow up on an earlier post, where John Hagee and Robert Jeffress might be players in their own antichrist scenario. Eric Metaxas appears to have joined the club. He alludes to Revelation 13:4 “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”

Try to stay sane.

Signs of the Apocalypse #2: What’s an apocalypse for?

Image is “The Unveiling” by Peter Kaminski on Flickr [CC BY 2.0]. I have no idea what’s under there]

Apocalypse literally means “to unveil.”  It’s the opening word of the Book of Revelation, a revealing.  The writer lifts the veil from the world we see to reveal things as they really are. 

Being killed is not the worst thing that can happen to you in Revelation.  The worst is being seduced, giving ourselves over to forces that will destroy us.  Power is seductive in Revelation.  I can think of no other biblical book that deals with the toxicity of power like Revelation.  The seduction in Revelation is to confuse power with truth, worthiness, or righteousness.

You’ve probably heard the quote, “If you really want to test a man’s character, give him power.”  You’ve probably also heard, “Adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it.” 

Apocalypse means “to unveil.”  We’ve had a lot revealed lately. 

We’ve had pastors reveal their willingness to compromise principle to be near power.  They’ve replaced loyalty to principles with loyalty to a president.

Our Supreme Court confirmation process has revealed a Senate majority leader willing to make his own rules for partisan advantage.  Because who’s going to stop him? 

The pandemic has revealed how politicians will pressure public health officials, compromising science to benefit the politics.

The president has revealed his unworthiness for the office in his expectation that the government will serve his personal interests, rewarding his friends and punishing his enemies.

We’ve seen a revelation about ourselves as a people.  The problem with the president is not his incompetence, his racism, or his lies.  There are incompetent racist liars everywhere.  The problem is that people vote for him.  People uncritically accept his words and interpret his wealth as a sign of his worthiness and credibility.  He’ll protect them from their shared enemies.  People have been seduced.  Seduced into believing that if you have power, you don’t need law.  Seduced into believing that wealth and the power that comes with it are signs of righteousness.

Apocalypse means “to unveil.”  This is an apocalyptic moment not because of what’s being destroyed, but because of what we’re learning. We haven’t made the progress we thought we had against racism, sexism, or any other ism.

– Our Constitutional government isn’t a set of rules, it is a discipline that must be practiced by the governing and the governed.  It’s only as good as our willingness to live by it.
– People will trade uncomfortable facts for great-sounding lies.
– We are looking for permission to give in to our dark sides and we will enable those who grant it.

I am on the record as opposing comparing people to Hitler and the Nazis.  What I really oppose making those comparisons as a first resort, reflexively, without thinking.  I have been thinking and I want to bring up the Nazis.  Work with me. I grew up hearing that Hitler was an evil genius who bent Germany to his will through brilliant oratory and sinister propaganda.  He repeated his lies often enough that people were programmed into believing them.  Hitler supposedly carried out an evil plan on an innocent population.

I think that’s garbage.  I think Hitler told people what they wanted to hear.  I don’t think he was brilliant, just a slick salesman, giving people permission give in to their dark sides.  People believed his lies because they wanted to.  They believed it all the way into a world war that destroyed the country.

Apocalypse means “to unveil.”  The point of revealing is to recognize and resist the seduction of power.  The people in Revelation 13 marvel at the beast and worship it.  But the beast and its followers are destined for a lake of fire.  The kind of power the beast represents does not come from God and is destined for destruction.  Yet we continue to see that kind of power as worthy, virtuous, even godly.  The most important revelation in Revelation is our capacity to give ourselves over to what will destroy us.

These are apocalyptic times.  See what the times reveal.  That’s my take.  In 666 words.

Random Thursday for October 1, 2020

Image is “Stop Shouting from the Sidewalk” by Torbakhopper on Flickr. [CC-BY-ND 2.0]. Nice shoes.

Unrelated comments, in no particular order.

There’s been a lot said about the presidential “debate.”  Let me add two things:
– Joe Biden said he could handle a bully.  Apparently he can’t. 
– Trump sounded like his debate prep came from the crowd at a MAGA rally.

Here’s something that might help Joe next time, from The Atlantic, How to Win a Debate with a Bully

A tweet from a seminary friend, from 2017

Try to stay sane.