Random Thursday for July 9, 2015

random st

If you can’t get a Walmart moment at Walmart, go to a hospital.

Bill Cosby used to be one of the most respected men in America.  So was O.J. Simpson.  People are like icebergs, there’s so much going on below the surface.

“Sin is the form our character takes as a result of our fear that we will be ‘nobody’ if we lose control of our lives” – Stanley Hauerwas

Every July 4th I hear Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA”.  Three floats in the Independence Day parade used it.  So did the fireworks display that night.  They haven’t paid attention to the lyrics.  It’s not a patriotic song.

Paula Jones is back, reminding us of old accusations against the Clintons.  She has profited well from being a whistleblower, getting free cars and cosmetic surgery in exchange for her story.  Is this what a quest for justice should look like?

(Image is “random street” by Andrew Barclay on Flickr.  CC BY-NC 2.0.  I’ve never been there.)

Random Thursday for July 2, 2015

rowntree's random sweets

What stand would the Texas Attorney General take if a clerk won’t issue concealed carry permits on religious grounds?

Rants on same sex marriage immediately turn to polygamy.  Ironically enough, polygamy is in the Bible.

Just discovered Brain Pickings, a great dose of randomness.  Check it out.  If you like it, subscribe and support.

If you Google the lyrics to Sanctuary, you won’t find the second verse.  I don’t know where it came from.  How do we know it?

(Image is “rowntree’s randoms sweets” by fsse8info on Flickr.  CC BY-SA 2.0.  I’ve never eaten one.)